Wheelchair Accessible Taxis.

13ability has offered transport solutions for people in wheelchairs as well as the wider disability community for over 20 years.* (Previously Zero200 and 13cabs).

Our one-stop booking service continues to enable you to conveniently access door-to-door transport.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use my TTSS card?

Yes you can. When booking via the 13cabs app, make sure you’ve flagged yourself as a TTSS passenger. When booking via the web, select ‘Pay your Driver directly’ as your payment method. For more information, visit 13cabs Help Centre

What kind of lifts are fitted in the vehicle?

Our Vehicles are fitted with either a hydraulic lift or ramp for easy wheelchair access.

Are your Drivers trained?

All our Drivers are trained in providing safe and competent loading, unloading, and transporting of passengers in a wheelchair.

13cabs delivers Government certified in-house training (TLIC2040).

Can I bring companions in the vehicle with me?

Yes, we do allow companions to travel with you in the vehicle. However, we do request that you mention the number of companions when booking a ride.

Is my assistance animal allowed in the WAT with me?

Yes, however the Driver may ask you to present your furry friend’s identification card.

We're here to help